Life of a Scavenger

Hope is the sustenance of life. As the saying goes, “I can lose my job, lose my family, lose my house, lose my way in life altogether, but I cannot and I will not lose hope”. Hope keeps us going, it keeps us from giving up. 

As I read the story the second time around, I was so touched by those children who never gave up and lose hope. Even in their darkest hour, all they know is that they love each other. They were very family-oriented little ones in the sense that regardless of their age and knowledge about the issues in this world, they always have in their minds that they will never lose the love and hope that make them stronger in every situation.

Obstacles and trials will never be a hindrance that we will never continue our studies. Either way, if we are just very optimistic and we believe that our God is with us, the word “success” will next in line.

Hope exists without cause or reason, or justification. It eases our pain, it makes us feel better. It's the essence of life- though we lose every other thing, if we have hope, we know we will go on.

As the story ended, I really felt compassion on the side of the 5-year-old boy. The lesson I learned about the story is that compassion contains no pity because it does not judge one circumstance of life as better or as worse than the next. For it comes from a place in which all things are from God's hand, presented to us to be lived to its completion.

Images: Didier Ruef

Scavengers and Hope BLOGGING101, ENG04, October 2010

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